PART 4/8 Jonathan Black looks at the Feast of First Fruits. He preaches on the Title of the Convocation, Timing of the Observation and Teaching on the Resurrection. He comments…
PART 3/8 David West preaches on the 7 day feast of unleavened bread. He examines the Prohibition, Purport, Provision and Purpose of the feast drawing out many practical lessons regarding…
PART 2/8 John Salisbury expounds the Passover in Egypt, in the land, in the Gospels and in the upper room. He then looks at the subject typically, prophetically and practically-…
PART 1/8 Michael Penfold introduces the seven feasts of Jehovah, expounding them as "shadows of things to come". He examines them historically, typically, dispensationally and practically. He uses John Grant's…
Ian Jackson opens Hebrews 10 and shows that v1-10 is the Will of the Father, v10-14 is the Work of the Son and v15-18 is the Witness of the Spirit.…
Ian Jackson introduces the first three chapters of the epistle to the Hebrews: Ch 1- God Speaking, Ch 2- Christ Speaking and Ch 3- The Spirit Speaking. He then expounds…
PART 5/5 Closing the series of meetings, Phil Coulson looks at the peace offering and gives closing remarks on a Christ exalting series.
PART 4/5 Phil Coulson preaches on both the sin and trespass offerings together in this challenging message.
PART 2/5 Phil Coulson on the Sunday afternoon session expounds the burnt offering.