Alastair McPherson preaches from 1 Corinthians to learn lessons from a church that struggled with unity.
Alastair McPherson looks at the teaching of Matthew 18:15-20, showing how the primary context relates to brothers in the temple. He then applies the passage to teach on unity among…
From 2 Corinthians 5:17, Pete Burditt shows how Christians can believe "nothing is impossible with God" by examining various Biblical characters that experienced the impossible.
Michael Platt preaches on the Christian's mind as taught from the letter to the Philippians. He looks at the mind in relation to circumstances, others, ambitions and thought life. He…
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Michael Platt
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Alistair Hearsum preaches a powerful message on "love for Christ". In light of the permenant, unchanging and powerful love of Christ for us, how much do we love Him?
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Alistair Hearsum
Romans 8:35-39, John 14:15, Revelation 2:4
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Cameron Piper preaches on the challenging subject of walking closely with the Lord.
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Cameron Piper
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Cameron Piper examines three looks in John 19, seeking to point his audience to the person and work of Christ.
Josh Jacobs examines the storm of John 6 that the disciples went through to learn lessons for modern Christians going through the trials and storms of life.
John Scarsbrook looks at the 7 "I will" promises of God in Exodus 6, encouraging his audience that God is faithful to His promises.
Speaking on the subject of "the enigma of injustice", Phil Briercliffe examines Psalm 73. Asaph, the author of the psalm, explains why injustice happens and three ways to deal with…
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