Kevin Oh helpfully introduces the epistle to the Ephesians, showing its links with the book of Joshua, before focusing in on the "Armour of God" in Ephesians Ch.6.
Dan Rudge preaches from Ephesians 2 on the dignity of the universal church. Over-viewing the metaphors and pictures of the church through the New Testament, he focuses on four of…
Ian Jackson preaches from Ephesians 1:8-14 on the "riches of His grace". He shows that those to whom God has revealed the mystery of His will are those whom He…
UNDATED - John Salisbury preaches on the role of gift in the establishment of the assembly at Antioch in this undated recording. After introducing the subject of gifts in the…
UNDATED - In this recording of Roy Hill preaching at Spencer Bridge Road, he carefully expounds the first chapter of the epistle to the Ephesians. He looks at key truths…
UNDATED - Michael Penfold preaches on 'the Church which is His body' under 7 headings from the Epistle to the Ephesians. This message was preached at Osborne Road Gospel Hall.
PART 4/4 Concluding the second session of the conference, Ian Jackson finishes his exposition of Ephesians 1 looking at the Spirit of God as the seal and earnest of the…
PART 3/4 Roy Hill preaches on 7 time markers found in Ephesians beginning "before the foundation of the world" in chapter 1 and ending in chapter 6 with "finally brethren".…