Joel Lacey preaches on the "keeping power of the Lord Jesus Christ". He is well able to keep us yet there is the responsibility for us to keep in enjoyment…
The Walk of the Believer in Ephesians 4
22nd July 2023
After outlining the epistle to the Ephesians, Alistair Henry examines lessons on the believers walk from the fourth chapter.
In a richly devotional message, Jonny Kingston examines the subject of Christ as Servant under 3 headings: His Activity, His Allegiance and His Attributes.
Speaker :
Jonny Kingston
Philippians 2:5-8, Romans 15:5-12, Matthew 12:14-21
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Tim Coltman preaches a challenging message on the danger of compromise and excuses in the life of Moses. He looks at the 4 excuses Moses makes as to why he…
Speaker :
Tim Coltman
Exodus 3:1-15; 4:1-5, 10-12; 8:8-10, 25-28; 10:7, 24
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Kevin Oh helpfully introduces the epistle to the Ephesians, showing its links with the book of Joshua, before focusing in on the "Armour of God" in Ephesians Ch.6.
Paul Cartwright examines "fragrant thoughts from the Scriptures" in a wide ranging devotional message.
From three conversion stories in Acts 16, Josh Jacob examines lessons on evangelism for modern day believers. His burden for the message: We must go out with the gospel and…
Lessons from the Lord Jesus in the Temple
23rd October 2022
Peter Scarsbrook traces the occasions in the gospels when the Lord Jesus is seen in the temple. He draws encouraging and practical lessons from each event beginning with Christ in…
Speaker :
Peter Scarsbrook
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Paul Cartwright preaches on the subject of the "Shepherd and His Sheep" - a subject which runs from Genesis to Revelation. Highlighting 6 practical lessons to learn as sheep in…
David West expounds Psalm 145, the last psalm of the Psalter credited to David, exhorting his audience to praise the LORD at all times for who He is and what…