PART 7/7 John Salisbury closes his series on 'The Day the Saviour Rose Again' looking at the restoration of Peter on the shore. Notes for this meeting are attached.
PART 6/7 John Salisbury preaches on the events in the upper room when the risen Christ reveals Himself and His wounds to His disciples. Notes for this meeting are attached.
PART 5/7 John Salisbury preaches on the events of Luke 24 and the two individuals who walked with Christ on the road to Emmaus. Notes for this meeting are attached.
PART 4/7 John Salisbury looks at the day the Saviour rose again from the perspective of disciples Peter and John. Notes for this meeting are attached.
PART 3/7 John Salisbury looks at the encounter between the risen Christ and Mary Magdalene outside the tomb. Notes for this meeting are attached.
PART 2/7 John Salisbury preaches on the great event of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and the doctrinal implications. Notes for this meeting are attached.
PART 1/7 John Salisbury opens a series on 'The Day the Saviour Rose Again'. Notes for this meeting are attached.