PART 6/6 Tom Bentley preaches on the promise of God in Isaiah 57 "I will restore comforts unto him... I will heal him". He illustrates this great promise of God…
PART 5/6 Tom Bentley, in the Sunday afternoon ministry meeting following the conference, introduces the 5 times in the Old Testament that God promises restoration. He then focuses on the…
PART 4/6 Closing the conference, Tom Bentley preaches on Isaiah 6 and the vision the prophet had of Christ in glory. He firstly introduces the occurrences of the "throne" throughout…
PART 3/6 David West preaches on the subject of the flesh from the words of Christ in Luke 9:46-62. v46-48 The Flesh seeks greatness in a kingdom when smallness counts…
PART 2/6 David West contrasts 2 Peter 1:11-21 with the experience of Peter in Luke 9, expounding the sections verse by verse. He breaks 2 Peter 1:11-21 into three: v12-15…
PART 1/6 Tom Bentley opened the 1995 conference looking at six occurrences of the word "must" in the gospel of Luke. After showing that Matthew is marked by the word…
PART 4/4 Roy Hill closes the conference looking at Luke's record of the temptation of Christ bringing out practical lessons for the Christian. In a wide ranging exposition, Roy Hill…
PART 3/4 Jim Baker opens the second session looking in more detail at the prayer of Paul for the Colossian believers outlined in his first message. He looks at the…
PART 2/4 Jim Baker introduces the Colossian epistle before explaining how Paul knew the Christians there as a result of Epaphras. He then outlines Paul's priestly prayer for the believers:…