PART 2/2 In the second of two weeks in Job, Andrew Hackett looks at the extreme sufferings of Job (Ch.19) and his restoration (Ch.42).
PART 1/2 Over two weeks, Andrew Hackett examines key lessons from the book of Job as well as seeing Christ in the book.
PART 2/3 In a short series on the sweet savour offerings, Michael Platt preaches on the Meal Offering from Leviticus 2.
PART 2/2 Huw Rees continues in 2 Timothy, looking at Timothy and Teaching (2:7-25), as well as Timothy and Apostasy (3:1-16).
PART 1/2 Huw Rees preaches, from 2 Timothy 1-2, on the differing responsbilities of generations and genders in the work of God.
PART 1/3 In a short series on the sweet savour offerings, Michael Platt preaches on the Burnt Offering from Leviticus 1.