UNDATED - Peter Scarsbrook preaches from the epistle to the Romans on the subject of devotion. After showing that the early chapters lay out the 'mercies of God', Peter then…
UNDATED - In this recording, Peter Scarsbrook takes up Bethlehem ('house of bread') and draws numerous practical lessons linked with the town seen throughout scripture.
Speaker :
Peter Scarsbrook
Ruth 2:1-3, Luke 2:8-11, Matthew 2:1-2, 10-11
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Jeremy Holifield looks at what occupied the apostle Paul during his time of isolation under house arrest. Journeying through the epistle to the Philippians, he shows that Paul was occupied…
UNDATED - Peter Scarsbrook preaches on bridging the gap between age groups in assembly life. In a passionate and practical message, Peter uses the scriptural examples of Abraham and Lot,…
Speaker :
Peter Scarsbrook
Genesis 13:7-18, 2 Kings 6:1-5, 1 Kings 19:16, 19-21, 1 Chronicles 22:11-13, 18-19, John 6:8
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UNDATED - Peter Scarsbrook preaches an encouraging message on the greatness of God through expounding the openings of Psalm 104 and 148. He exhorts his audience to look up to…
UNDATED - John Salisbury preaches a practical and encouraging message from Habakkuk's prophecy. He looks at Habakkuks complaint to his God (Ch 1), his communion with his God (ch 2)…
Speaker :
John Salisbury
Habakkuk 1:1-7, 12-13, 2:1-4, 14, 20, 3:1-2, 17-19
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UNDATED - In this archived and undated recording, Harold Paisley preaches a devotional and Christ exalting message from 7 birds of scripture-the sparrow, pelican, eagle, owl, dove, pigeon and hen.…
Speaker :
Harold Paisley
Leviticus 1:14-17, 14:4-5, Exodus 19:3-4, Psalm 102:6, 23-27, Matthew 23:37, Revelation 4:11, 5:5-6
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John Scarsbrook preaches on the subject of restoration in the valleys of a believer's experience. He looks at restoration in the trials of life (Psalm 23), on account of sin…
Speaker :
John Scarsbrook
Psalm 23:1-2, Psalm 51:10-13, Joel 2:23-26, Galatians 5:25-6:2
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Michael Platt introduces the epistle to the Ephesians before looking closer at Paul's exhortations to the believers in chapter 4. He explains that Ephesians deals with the subject of the…
Paul Cartwright preaches a devotional message exhorting his audience to "consider Him!". After introducing Song of Solomon, Paul preaches on the Purity, Position and Person of Christ from the maid's…
Speaker :
Paul Cartwright
Hebrews 12:2-3, 1 Timothy 2:5, Song of Solomon 5:9-16
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