PART 2/2 Mark Sweetnam preaches from 1 Timothy 3:14-16 on what and who an assembly is for. After showing that Matthew 18:20 tells us what a local assembly is and…
PART 9/9 John Salisbury preaches on the subject of self and assembly discipline. He begins by showing how self discipline will prevent assembly discipline before looking in detail at the…
PART 8/9 Brian Barton speaks comprehensively on the subject of stewardship in Scripture.
PART 7/9 Michael Platt looks at the subject of unity in the local assembly from 4 key passages of Scripture. Psalm 133 - Beholding the Preciousness of Unity Ephesians 4…
PART 6/9 Michael Platt looks at the subject of spiritual gifts by first asking four questions: What is a gift? What are the benefits of gifts? How do I know…
PART 5/9 John Salisbury preaches an important and wide ranging message on the subject of the temporary sign gifts, particularly the gifts of healing, tongues and prophecy.
PART 4/9 John Salisbury preaches on the subject of prayer in Scripture, particularly focusing on prayer in the local assembly. He examines the topic under three headings: closet prayer (Matthew…
PART 3/9 John Salisbury looks at the breaking of bread historically, practically and doctrinally. In a wide ranging message, he answers many foundational questions such as 'why break bread every…
PART 2/9 Michael Platt preaches on the often misunderstood and neglected subject of "headship". He examines the principles, symbols, purpose and responsibilities of the subject. This message was delivered via…