PART 6/6 Concluding studies in Revelation ch. 2-3, James Cartwright begins by recapping the 7 churches and the key lessons learnt from Ephesus through to Laodicea. He then looks at…
PART 5/6 Peter Scarsbrook examines the penultimate message of the 7 churches - the message to the assembly at Philadelphia. He looks at the words of Christ concerning the purpose,…
PART 4/6 Andrew Hackett looks at the messages to the churches at Thyatira and Sardis. In a very practical message, Andrew looks at the place, the description of Christ, the…
PART 3/6 David West looks at the messages of Christ to Smyrna and Pergamos in Revelation 2:8-17. After looking at the background of the cities and the churches, he looks…
PART 2/6 Jonathan Black examines the message of Christ to the church at Ephesus in Revelation 2:1-7 - "Revival or Survival". He preaches on their Relationship with Christ, their Reality…
PART 1/6 John Salisbury preaches an introductory message to the 7 Churches of Asia over-viewing their practical, prophetical and historical significance.
PART 2/2 Mark Sweetnam preaches from 1 Timothy 3:14-16 on what and who an assembly is for. After showing that Matthew 18:20 tells us what a local assembly is and…