Jonathan Black safeguards the deity and eternality of the Lord Jesus Christ. He shows how John in his gospel doesn't include aspects of the life of Christ to highlight him…
Brian Barton, after briefly outlining the letter to the Hebrews, looks at Christ as our Great High Priest. In closing, he particularly challenges his audience to appreciate the throne of…
John Bennett examines Paul's last words to Timothy in his last days. His focus is on Paul's anticipation of standing before Christ and "looking up" before expounding the 'charge'. He…
Michael Platt preaches on the importance of the the continuity of God's Work. He concentrates his thoughts on Paul's words to Timothy to be an example and to carry on…
David West examines the resurrection of Jesus Christ as recorded in Mark. He examines the details and the glorious truth that Christ arose!
God Has Not Left Himself Without a Witness
23rd March 2019
"God has not left himself without a witness!" Peter Scarsbrook preaches a wide-ranging message from Noah through to present day proving that God always has a witness. He finishes with…
David West preaches on the book of Deuteronomy, introducing the fifth book of the Pentateuch before drawing lessons from it that Paul drew out in his epistles.
Dan Rudge preaches on the subject of Christ as the "Greater Than". After explaining the significance of the Greek words for "greater", Dan Rudge looks at how Christ is greater…
Andrew Hackett briefly introduces 1 John answering: Who wrote the epistle? Why was the epistle written? and Who is the epistle addressed to? He then preaches verse by verse on…
Peter Scarsbrook preaches on what the Christian's heart should love from the book of Psalms. How much do we love his word, time in prayer or his assembly?