16th February 2009

Preaching the Gospel with Accuracy

Passage: Colossians 1:3-8
Service Type:

Ian Jackson preaches from the expression "the word of the truth of the gospel" from Colossians 1:5. In introduction, he takes apart the expression, emphasizing the fact that the gospel truly is good news, is truth and should primarily be communicated by word through preaching.

Ian Jackson then preaches passionately on communicating the message of the gospel with Scriptural accuracy. He urges his audience to be accurate in three areas in particular:

  • What it means that man is lost
  • What response the gospel demands
  • How we present the work of Christ at Calvary

In a wide ranging message, he warns against preaching universal substitution and using terminology such as 'make a commitment to Jesus', 'invite Jesus into your heart' and 'love the Lord to be saved'.

This message was given at Osborne Road Gospel Hall.