PART 2/3 Michael Platt helpfully summarizes the first 3 chapter of 1 Timothy after completing assembly Bible Readings on the section. Ch 1 - Spiritual Warfare and the Role of…
PART 1/6 In an introductory message looking at James' epistle, Michael Platt examines what James has to say about spiritual growth in James ch.1. After outlining the background, author, audience…
PART 1/3 Before beginning assembly Bible readings in 1 Timothy, John Salisbury gives a helpful introduction to the "Pastoral Epistles" and an overview of the epistle. John shows that the…
UNDATED - Eric Hughes uses this Saturday night meeting in Northampton to overview the epistle to Titus, picking up key truths as he makes his way through the epistle.
John Salisbury opens the 2019 Autumn Bible Readings by outlining the epistle to the Colossians. After setting the epistle in its historical context, he examines how the assembly was planted,…
John Salisbury gives an overview of 2 Thessalonians in introduction to Bible readings in the epistle that took place in late 2018. He closes looking at the first five verses…
PART 4/4 Jack Hay expounds the fourth chapter of Jonah verse by verse in this practical exposition.
PART 3/4 Jack Hay expounds the third chapter of Jonah verse by verse in this practical exposition.
PART 2/4 Jack Hay expounds the second chapter of Jonah verse by verse in this practical exposition.