25th November 2020

John Stubbs

Service Type:

72 recordings of Mr John Stubbs (Mayfield, Scotland) on a large range of subjects and themes.

"John Stubbs was born into a Christian family in Co. Durham, England, saved as a boy of 11, and received into assembly fellowship in London at the age of 12. Three assemblies in Co. Durham and one in Shipley, Yorkshire commended him to the work of the Lord in 1965, his first labours being in Malaysia until 1969 when he returned to the UK where he continued to engage in gospel work and ministry.

In 1972 he moved to Castle Douglas where he laboured for twelve years before moving to Mayfield assembly near Edinburgh. He served the Lord in many parts of the UK as well as in Australia, New Zealand, U.S.A. and Canada. He has written Is the Bible the Word of God?; Misunderstood Texts of Holy Scripture; The Person of Christ; and has jointly authored a further book on the Person of Christ. He has also written the commentaries on the books of Numbers and Zechariah in the “What the Bible Teaches” series, and has contributed many articles to various assembly magazines.

John Stubbs went to be with His Lord in 2019."

Studies in the Life of Joseph

  1. Joseph and His Behavior
  2. Joseph and His Blessing
  3. Joseph and His Bride
  4. Joseph and His Bones

Egypt to Canaan

  1. Introduction
  2. The Serpent on the Pole
  3. Crossing the Red Sea
  4. The Manna
  5. The Parables of Baalam

The Tabernacle

  1. The Offerings of the Tabernacle
  2. The Gospels and the Tabernacle
  3. Gospel - The Door of the Tabernacle
  4. The Occupant of the Tabernacle
  5. The Object in View in the Tabernacle
  6. The Order of Truth in the Tabernacle
  7. The Omissions of Note in the Tabernacle
  8. The Occupations of the Priests in the Tabernacle

The Priesthood

  1. The Dedication of the Priest
  2. The Diet of the Priest
  3. The Disqualification of the Priest
  4. The Dress of the Priest
  5. The Duties of the Priest

The High Priest's Garments

  1. The Linen Coat
  2. The Robe of Blue
  3. The Ephod and Breastplate
  4. The Mitre and Crown
  5. The Day of Atonement

The Gates of Nehemiah

  1. The Gates of Nehemiah Part 1
  2. The Gates of Nehemiah Part 2
  3. The Gates of Nehemiah Part 3
  4. The Gates of Nehemiah Part 4
  5. The Gates of Nehemiah Part 5

Ezekiel's Temple

  1. Ezekiel's Temple Part 1
  2. Ezekiel's Temple Part 2
  3. Ezekiel's Temple Part 3
  4. Ezekiel's Temple Part 4
  5. Ezekiel's Temple Part 5

Studies in Zechariah

  1. Studies in Zechariah Part 1
  2. Studies in Zechariah Part 2
  3. Studies in Zechariah Part 3
  4. Studies in Zechariah Part 4

The Saints

  1. The Assembling of the Saints at the Rapture
  2. The Appraising of the Saints at the Bema
  3. The Adorning of the Saints at the Marriage
  4. The Appearing of the Saints at the Manifestation
  5. The Activity of the Saints in the Eternal State

Future Events

  1. An Introduction to Prophecy
  2. The Rapture
  3. Events in Heaven after the Rapture
  4. Events on Earth after the Rapture
  5. The Lord's Return and the Millennium
  6. The Great White Throne
  7. The Millennium and God's Eternal Day

Various Ministry

  1. Aaron's Rod Budding
  2. An Overview of the High Priestly Ministry of Christ
  3. Babylon the Great
  4. Christ as the Ark in John's Gospel
  5. Christ in Paul's Epistles
  6. Joseph of Arimathaea
  7. Last Words for Last Days
  8. Likeness to Christ
  9. Living for, Learning About, Looking For and Leaning on Christ
  10. Marks in Galatians
  11. Psalm 17
  12. Service for the Lord
  13. The Sun of Righteousness
  14. The Breaking of Bread
  15. The Gospel of John
  16. The Red Heifer
  17. The Resurrection Appearance in Mark's Gospel
  18. The Uniqueness of the Lamb
  19. What Manner of Man is This