27th October 2020

Albert McShane

Service Type:

126 recordings of Mr Albert McShane (1914-2002) from Lurgan, Northern Ireland on a wide range of subjects and themes.

"Albert McShane was born on the 22nd day of September, 1914 in the village of Kilmore, near Lurgan in Northern Ireland into a family of three. He joined the Sunday School when he was three years of age. He later attributed his salvation to the foundations laid in this Sunday School. He was impressed with his need of salvation at an early age when a member of the Sunday School died and was not present to receive his prize. This need was further impressed upon him when his nine year old elder brother died.

He attended two series of meetings prior to getting saved; the first conducted by Messrs. McGowan and Bailie; the second by Mr F. Knox. Although Albert longed to be saved, he was not saved during those meetings. On 3rd January 1929, his mother asked him to attend the Bible Reading in the assembly with her. As it was the first week in 1929, the brethren decided to change it into a prayer meeting. This prayer meeting awakened him to the serious need of being saved. That night, he considered the verse "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life" and simply believed on the Lord Jesus Christ.

He was baptised and received into fellowship in the Kilmore assembly when he was 14 years of age. He joined William McCracken in 1944 in a series of Gospel meetings. After preaching the gospel for a number of years, he left his employment and served the Lord by preaching and teaching for over fifty years. He preached with Mr William McCracken at first, then Mr Alec Lyttle and latterly with Norman Turkington and David Gilliland.

Although he loved the gospel and often stressed the need for assemblies to be actively engaged in it, he is remembered as a greatly gifted Bible teacher. His ability to take up passages rarely ministered on and passages often classified as "difficult" and break these down into simple terms easily understood by all, was a measure of his quality as an expositor. As well as the many ministry meetings he took, he led many Bible Readings and was responsible for opening the Bible Reading at Lurgan on Saturday nights for over fifty three years. In addition, he led the Bible Readings in many of the large conferences in Northern Ireland (Lurgan, Craigyhill, Larne, Belfast Christmas Conference) and abroad.

He preached in a number of different countries and authored numerous books. Many have been blessed through reading his commentaries on books of both Old and New Testaments. He wrote the commentaries on II Corinthians, Philemon and Jude for the Series "What the Bible Teaches" as well as a very practical exposition of the Epistle of James. He also wrote a large number of topical articles in assembly magazines."

Solomon's Temple

  1. An Introduction
  2. The Outer Structure
  3. The Inner Beauty
  4. The Furniture Within
  5. Things Outside the Temple

The Life of Elisha

  1. Elijah's Mantle
  2. His Miracles and Ministry
  3. His Power

The Life of Job

  1. The Life of Job Pt.1
  2. The Life of Job Pt.2
  3. The Life of Job Pt.3
  4. The Life of Job Pt.4
  5. The Life of Job Pt.5

Studies in Proverbs

  1. An Overview of the Book of Wisdom
  2. The Temptation of Worldly Gain
  3. The Needy Crying for Wisdom to Overcome Evil
  4. The Importance of the Path of the Believer
  5. The Believer and His Heart for Spiritual Things

The Book of Daniel

  1. Studies in Daniel Pt.1
  2. Studies in Daniel Pt.2
  3. Studies in Daniel Pt.3
  4. Studies in Daniel Pt.4
  5. Studies in Daniel Pt.5
  6. Studies in Daniel Pt.6
  7. Studies in Daniel Pt.7
  8. Studies in Daniel Pt.8
  9. Studies in Daniel Pt.9

Studies in Luke's Gospel

  1. The Lord Jesus in Bethlehem
  2. The Lord Jesus in the Temple
  3. The Lord Jesus in the Jordan
  4. The Lord Jesus in the Wilderness
  5. The Lord Jesus in the Synagogue

Assembly Gatherings

  1. The Gospel Meeting
  2. The Prayer Meeting
  3. The Remembrance Meeting
  4. The Ministry Meeting
  5. The Elders Meeting

Church Teaching

  1. Things that Accompany Salvation
  2. Baptism
  3. The Local and Universal Church
  4. A Dedicated Life
  5. Exercise of Gift

The Holy Spirit

  1. The Holy Spirit in Us Personally
  2. The Day of Pentecost
  3. The Holy Spirit's Work

The Book of Revelation

  1. An Introduction to Revelation
  2. A Study of the Seven Churches Pt.1
  3. A Study of the Seven Churches Pt.2
  4. The 24 Elders and the 2 Beasts
  5. The Freshly Slain Lamb
  6. The Fractured Scales
  7. The Mixed Multitude
  8. The Fanfare of Trumpets
  9. The Two Witnesses
  10. The Woman and the Dragon
  11. The Two Beasts
  12. The 144 Thousand
  13. The Vials Poured Out
  14. The False Church
  15. The Marriage Supper
  16. The First Resurrection and the Final Judgement
  17. The Eternal State
  18. The New Jerusalem

God Appearing to...

  1. Jacob
  2. Abraham
  3. Moses and Joshua
  4. Gideon and Manoah
  5. Isaiah and Ezekiel

Scripture Comparisons

  1. Trumpets
  2. Shepherds
  3. Israel
  4. Bones
  5. Measurements
  6. Wisdom in James and Proverbs
  7. The Tongue in James
  8. Riches and Poverty
  9. Similes
  10. Faith, Patience and Prayers
  11. Psalm 102, 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy

Great Scripture Contrasts

  1. Angels and Demons
  2. The Bride and the Whore
  3. Christ and the Antichrist
  4. God and Satan
  5. Spirit and Flesh


  1. Acquiring Wealth in Heaven
  2. Activities in Heaven
  3. Attractions in Heaven
  4. The Dimensions of Heaven
  5. Authority in Heaven

The Will of God

  1. His Program for Earth
  2. The Will of God in Our Part of His Work
  3. The Will of God in Our Personal Lives
  4. The Will of God in Our Prospects for the Future
  5. The Will of God in Our Public Testimony

Various Gospel Messages

  1. Five Reasons We Need Salvation
  2. Repent and Believe the Gospel
  3. The Road Map to Heaven

Various Messages

  1. A Man raised by God also making a vow to God
  2. Baptism
  3. Being the man God intended you to be
  4. Bible Reading in Hebrews 1
  5. Daniel's Testimony as an Older Man
  6. Departure from God
  7. Divorce
  8. Giving God Time in Your Life
  9. God and His Creation
  10. God Makes His Name Known
  11. Headship
  12. Inspired writers valuing the work of other inspired writers
  13. Ishmael
  14. Job's Trials
  15. Joseph and Mary
  16. Joseph and Daniel's Temptation
  17. Lack of Spirituality in the Lord's People
  18. Men Who Influenced Me
  19. Outline of John's Gospel
  20. Paying Attention to the Word of God
  21. Sorrow to Joy
  22. The Failure of Man
  23. The Fullness of Christ
  24. The Life of Christ
  25. The Life of Christ and His Material Needs Met
  26. The Upper Room
  27. True Deliverance - Getting Back to the Start - Gideon
  28. What is Life